Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hip Hip.. gone away!

For years and years now, I have been touched by the special flavor and atmosphere of Ramadan. All the family gathers by sunset is highly not possible at any other month, due to different work schedules. The price we pay for living “the urban life” that we have.

Although my working schedule wasn’t dramatically affected by that holly month, yet I have been lucky to spend some more time with the person I’ve neglected most…me.

It’s like having once in a 12 month chance to be a little more relaxed and spiritual. In addition to indulging yourself with serenity and a peace of mind you won’t get before a year from now. Besides enjoying the solitude of faith and breathing deeply.

This year, I was blessed to have sometime of and sort my life out, rearranging priorities, and amending my dusty “new year’s resolution.

After 30 days of working hard I am so very proud of what I have accomplished so far, for being persistent and constant. I am even prouder for achieving my hardest target, which was weight loss. Ramadan this year helped me a lot in maintaining good health habits like sleeping early; being more organized , but most importantly it helped me stay healthy and in shape by shedding those pounds off.

I feel more powerful, more beautiful and more confident about myself. My greatest challenge now would be resisting all of those yummy mammool cookies!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

جهد بلا

جهد بلا
أعرف دُكَنْجياً كسولاً، يسند ظهره الى كرسيه المكسور طوال النهار دون كللٍ أو ملل،مستمتعاً بالراحة وقلّة الزبائن،معتقداً أن الربح الآتي من أي سلعةٍ سيبيعها لا تساوي عنده تكلفة الصفنة اللذيذة التي يصفنها .لذا فقد كان يمتقع وجهه ويتنكّد كثيراً إذا ما زاره زبون أو جار طالباً منه علبة سمن ، قدّاحة ، زرّ نيله ، باكيت فايسروي ، علبة فازلين ، متذمّراً بصوت عالٍ : ( يا حول الله يا جهد البلا). معتقداً أن وقوفه على طوله وارتداء (الحفّاية)، ومغادرة الكرسي، وانقشاع الدفء عن ثيابه أثناء إحضار المواد، بحدّ ذاته جهد بلا يستحق الاستياء أكثر منه رزق يستحق الحمد..لاحظت مؤخّراً أن معظم مواطنينا وحكوماتنا (المتعاقبة ) يفكّرون بنفس منطق هذا الدكنجي ، فكلّما ظهر لدينا مصدر طبيعي غزير، يستحق الانبساط والسرور، نفرت على ابتساماتنا حمّى جهد البلا وقلّة الحيلة وضعف ميزانية استغلاله.الديسي مثلاً،منذ أن اكتشفنا المخزون الهائل من تلك المياه قبل ربع قرن، وفركنا أيدينا فرحاً لاقتراب حلّ أزمة الماء نهائياً، ونحن نغلق عروضا ونفتح عروضا، نطرح مناقصات ونجمع مغلفات والحال على ما هو عليه..والسبب ضخامة الإنفاق وضحالة الموارد المالية. حتى استسلمنا في النهاية للواقع معتبرين أن اكتشاف ماء الديسي ، (جهد بلا)و(نشفان ريق)، أكثر منه مصدر مائي مهم..وقبل أن ننسى الديسي تماماً، ارتفع سعر البترول عالمياً، ففتّش بعض المكتشفين والعلماء الأردنيين بالدفاتر العتيقة، فوجدوا أن لدينا احتياطيا ضخما من الصخر الزيتي يمكن استغلاله - بعد الفتّ عليه طبعاً - فرح المواطنون وقتها وبنوا أحلاماً كبيرة، واعتقدوا أن الصخر الزيتي رزق من الله قد تم اكتشافه بالوقت المناسب، في حين اعتبرته الحكومة جهد بلا آخر يضاف الى جهد بلا مياه الديسي لما يحتاجه من مبالغ مالية ضخمة ليس بوسع الحكومة تأمينها بالوقت الحاضر، ومنذ ذلك التاريخ ونحن نغلق عروضا ونفتح عروضا، نطرح مناقصات ونجمع مغلفّات، والحال على ما هو عليه..بسبب قلّة الموارد المالية وضخامة حجم الإنفاق..منذ أيام وأنا مضرب عن الأكل والشراب ومحادثة الناس مثل سامي الحاج ، أرفض حلاقة لحيتي أو تقليم شواربي أو تغيير ملابسي، والسبب أني علمت أن لدينا يورانيوم بكميّات هائلة تزيد عن 60 ألف طن يجب استخراجها واستغلالها، مما يعني أننا سنغلق عروضا ونفتح عروضا، نطرح مناقصات ونجمع مغلفّات، والحال سيبقى على ما هو عليه..صدقّوني أنا ممتعض تماماً لأننا رزقنا بجهد بلا جديد اسمه يورانيوم؟ يضاف الى جهدي البلا القديمين الديسي والصخر الزيتي ...
أحمد حسن الزعبي

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A year

A year
And here it is my first candle blown at the bloggers’ corner. It is so very astonishing how people may encounter so many events in one year; at first there was this French class, then came along recognition and awards. A little hope came down the road when I had this opportunity to do an interview for a new job, meeting new friends, developing a new lifestyle, and then departure, settling and starting over in Amman. A lot of mixed feelings accompanied me in my one year journey varying from nostalgia to my lovely hometown, victory on what I have accomplished at my French school, loneliness for not having a close friend to talk to, followed by anxiety and the fear of the unknown. I have also experienced a cultural gap upon my arrival to the heart of the Kingdom. To be honest, I still can’t cope with it very well. It is just how people are very different to the ones I have been dealing with for the past six years; the lack of respect just makes it very difficult to communicate with others. Be it behind the wheel, at the cash lineup, or simply while waiting for a cab, everything here makes believe I am an outsider. I have never felt that uncomfortable towards my country probably it is because I was away for so long, or maybe I have really grown up and things don’t seem as glittery as they used to twelve years back.

Miss Deena
It was time for me to live my life as a grownup so I had to start looking for an occupation and it was anything but easy.
Job hunting= interviews, interviews, and more interviews but nothing promising, sadly. I’ve lost count of the number of interviews I had a couple of months ago. I also came across the worst job ever. It was job number 16 for me (number 5 on my resume) where I was supposed to be A Public Relations Manager (pretty cool title, eh?) well, yeah! But I didn’t know that the job description had responsibilities of a doorman, a secretary, a sales representative, a marketing manager, an H.R manager, and a baby sister! This is when I said this just got to STOP.

Unlucky in love, Unlucky in life
I never really knew that being an adult meant that one has to master the “love game”. To me, I have always regarded it as a sacred sincere relationship between two completely honest people without deception, lies and indecency. It’s just frustrating when your dreams are shattered before your eyes one too many times, and you still believe in the power of love and that you can overlook just about anything to make this thing work. And how all your efforts are meaningless to your partner and breakup seems to be the easiest way out.

After a year of blogging, I found out that writing down my every little emotion is meditating yet relieving. People come and people go, therefore, all I will be left with is a memory noted in a little scribble on my blog.